 Pets are often said to be helpful with a person’s well-being. How? Find some examples.
         As a child, I grew up around a lot of elderly people. During my childhood, I learned a lot of things that kids my age wouldn't normally know. What I noticed is when we grow old, we also grow lonely. Therefore, we need something to fill that void and make us happy. For example, there was an older lady who lost her spouse to cancer. All of her children were grown, and she lived alone. She went out and got a dog, and she slowly started to feel happy again. She now had someone to boss around, to show love to, and to also get it in return. Now she didn't have to walk around mad at the world because now she had a new friend. She had someone to share her thoughts and concerns with. Reguardless if he wasn't an actual human being, he understood her. He also cared for her, and he wouldn't let any harm or danger stumble her way. As time progressed, she got ill. Not long after that she passed away. People tend  to under-estimate pets, but he knew excactly what was going on. He knew that he'd lost someone that he loved. Her son took the dog into his care. He knew this new environment didn't look like home. He cried every night for her. There was nothing that her son could do to make him feel comfortable. Some of us look at pets and don't see much. Others may see a friend, a family-member, and someone to love. Believe or not, they can change lives, may even have the ability to change yours. Some may say that she died alone. But don't we all? We cant take anyone along with us, although sometimes we may want to. I think she died happy, he came into her life for a reason. To be there in her time of need, and to be the best listener this world has ever seen.

9/23/2012 09:49:07 am

hey kierra i really can connect with waht your saying in your article. when i was younger my aunt past away and hurt me to the point i wouldn't eat or stop crying. so one i finaly desides to leave the house and see my grandmother. when i got there she gave me a a big box that moved and made littl sounds but couldnt tell what eas inside. i opened the box there was the puppy that my aunt had befor she die. it was like she didnt leave me and left a littlepart for her here with me. and from that day on thill she died i cared a loved her with all my heart. so i bfeel what your saying that pets make a big impact in our lives.

9/25/2012 01:50:41 pm

Great thoughts on how pets can help the elderly! I know that many nursing homes are starting to adopt pets to keep around for the residents to spend time with. Even people with Alzheimers or elderly people with depression will start interacting with a dog or cat. Assisted living buildings, where seniors can have their own apartments but still have access to help, are also starting to allow residents to keep their own pets. I think everyone should have a pet to love!


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